Monthly Archives: October 2013

The Story: My Thinking

My church, Eastside Christian Church, is going through a book called The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story. It is somewhat controversial amongst Christians.

The Story takes the Bible and puts it in chronological order. It then goes straight through, but inserts counts and some summaries along the way. This is where some Christians seem to have am issue. They claim The Story changes the Bible. I say it makes it easier to understand. It gives people some motivation to read the entire Bible and to me that’s a good thing.

The actual text is not changed. They use the NIV and stay true to it. The notes help to clarify the points being made in the text. I highly recommend the companion book Exploring the Story: A Reference Companion as it explains everything and even provides discussion questions.

I am considering blogging about each chapter, but I am undecided as of now. Please come back and read this blog. I pray that God’s grace shines on you continuously.